The Black Belt Club Program (BBC) is a continuation of the Basic/Foundations program. BBC builds on the solid foundation laid in the previous program and teaches the student to take their physical skills to the level required to earn their Black Belt. Physical conditioning is also a big part of the BBC program. We focus on overall stamina and strength training. This ensures students are physically capable of performing the moves that they are taught. The BBC program continues to teach life skills and character development at a foundational level along the way. In the BBC program, a student will learn a higher level of mental focus, mental discipline, self-confidence, and will have the ability to set goals, and follow-through on those goals.
For all programs, being goal-oriented is critical. However, being goal-oriented is not just for the student; it is for the entire family! In many cases, your child may be too young to really know what is best for them. As parents, having goals for your child helps them get a great start. Championship Martial Arts is not a place to take your child for just another recreational activity. It is a school of higher learning, and just like other schools, there is a progression that must be followed in order to succeed, to advance. It starts with a strong base to build on, and adds more advanced material as students mature. This step process encourages the skills that your child learns to become ingrained as lifelong habits. At the same time, the way we deliver the material will be fun for both the parents and students.
Some say, and I know that in the past, we have even said, “Don’t use your karate unless you have to keep yourself safe.” That is not true. One should use their karate every day! Their karate involves better focus, respect for others, respect for themselves, perseverance, and greater integrity. With this program, their karate will become first nature.
Our Black Belt Club Program Includes:
-Black Belt Martial Arts Curriculum
-Black Belt Self-Defense Curriculum
-Bully Defense Curriculum
-Weapons Curriculum
-Character Development